Robomow uses Grasscycling, which is the natural recycling of grass. It means cutting the grass into very small clippings that are buried into the roots of the lawn, where they decompose and act as a natural fertilizer. Grass clippings contain 80-85% water, and release valuable nutrients back into the soil.
Best of all, the practice of Grasscycling is an easy – almost effortless – way to contribute to the well-being of the environment. Between the months of March and September, grass clippings can increase landfill use by as much as 50 percent and, while it's true that these clippings will naturally decompose, the damage to the environment is already created by the simple fact that the waste needs to be transported.
Simply by leaving the clippings where they are – which, scientifically, is the best place for them – you can fulfil your own responsibility to reduce surplus pollution. And since Grasscycling reintroduces water into the soil and covers the growing lawn from excess water loss through evaporation, the reduction of your dependency on one of our most threatened commodities is a great way to show your commitment to an environmentally-friendly future.
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